The Ludwig Variations is a new album, released in October 2020
Back in March 2020, soon after the start of the Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, Mike recorded a series of improvisations on his century old Ludwig accordion whose creaks and croaks, rattles and wheezes present a challenge which others may well deem it unworthy of consideration. Instead, attracted by the added character that age has bestowed on the instrument, Mike chose to explore the possibilities of these unintended sounds.Having listened to his initial recording, Mike decided to send six of the improvisations to some of the musicians he has enjoyed working with over the years, inviting them to add something of their own choosing to one or more of the tracks. The Ludwig Variations is the result. The music is varied, ranging from the slow, ethereal qualities of the opening track Ludwig in Concordia and Ludwig, Mpingo to the hoe-down style dance rhythms of Ludwig in Wigtown and the nostalgic fragility of the final track, a waltz entitled Ludwig back and forth. The musicians playing on The Ludwig Variations are: Mike Adcock (accordions, reed organ, ukulele, roof slates) Simon Adcock (violin, keyboards) Clive Bell (shakuhachi, melodica, keyboards, motorcycle) Chris Cundy (bass clarinet, baritone sax) Sylvia Hallett (Hardanger fiddle) Nick Haeffner (ukulele, keyboards) Beth Porter (cello) Stuart Wilding (cello, mini theremin, lap harp) Xanthe Wood (electric cello)
Album available as download or CD from Bandcamp https://mikeadcock.bandcamp.com
The website has been out of action for quite a while, due to a number of technical issues but now it’s back, coinciding with the release of a new Mike Adcock album The Ludwig Variations (more information above) and there’s more that still needs to be updated – other releases, pictures and plans for the coming months – but we’re getting there!